Tuesday, 17 July 2007

China wall of worry

Wall of Worry is a market adage which means that stocks can still flourish when people are nervous. Skeptics hold money on the sidelines. As the worst of their fears are alleviated, they put money into stocks, pushing the market higher.
Today read an article titled China Wall of Worry. Good stuff! I tried to summarize his "alternative" arguments against the prevailing worry about the rise of Chinese economy. In his eyes, Amercan economy is climing on the wall of Chinese worry.
1. there is worry about the chance that China will replace US to be No.1 economy in the world.
But the author argued that the US enojoys a great head start so that it will be very hard for China to catch up
2. jobs are lost due to the cheap imports from China
But the author held that it is a myth that the jobs are lost due to Chinese goods, actually, cheap goods from China could help US create jobs as well.
3. There is hand-wringing about our trade deficit with China
But the author dismissed the worry saying that US coin the money and China send them manufactured goods. That's a great trade! It's so much easier to make slips of paper than manufacturing television sets.
4. There is worry about China's supposedly undervalued currency
But the author said that he can't complain when China are only short-changing themselves.

The author ended his article by saying that "It just could be that worry is America's secret economic weapon. It's terrific that we care so much about keeping our position as the world's No. 1 economy — it keeps us sharp, makes us work hard, and gives us a shared mission"

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